Integrated Pest Management
AR 3514.2
Business and Noninstructional Operations
Integrated pest management (IPM) means a strategy that focuses on long-term prevention or suppression of pest problems through a combination of techniques such as monitoring for pest presence and establishing treatment threshold levels, using nonchemical practices to make the habitat less conducive to pest development, improving sanitation, and employing mechanical and physical controls. (Education Code 17609; Food and Agricultural Code 13181)
(cf. 3510 - Green School Operations)
School site means any facility used as a child day care facility or for kindergarten, elementary, or secondary school purposes and includes the buildings or structures, playgrounds, athletic fields, vehicles, or any other area of property visited or used by students. (Education Code 17609)
Program Components
The Superintendent or designee shall designate an employee at the district office and/or school site to develop, implement, and coordinate an IPM strategy that incorporates effective, least toxic pest management practices.
The IPM coordinator shall prepare and annually update a districtwide or school site IPM plan based on the template provided by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR).
The IPM plan shall include the name of the district and/or school IPM coordinator, the pesticides expected to be applied at the school site by district employees and/or pest control applicators, and a date that the plan shall be reviewed and, if necessary, updated. (Education Code 17611.5)
The district shall use pesticides that pose the least possible hazard and are effective in a manner that minimizes risks to people, property, and the environment. Such pesticides shall only be used after careful monitoring indicates they are needed according to pre-established guidelines and treatment thresholds. (Food and Agricultural Code 13181)
The IPM plan and this administrative regulation shall not apply to reduced-risk pesticides, including self-contained baits or traps, gels or pastes used for crack and crevice treatments, antimicrobials, and pesticides exempt from registration by law. (Education Code 17610.5; 3 CCR 6147)
The district's program shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following components:
1. Identifying and monitoring pest population levels and identifying practices that could affect pest populations. Strategies for managing the pest shall be influenced by the pest species and whether that species poses a threat to people, property, or the environment.
2. Setting action threshold levels to determine when pest populations or vegetation at a specific location might cause unacceptable health or economic hazards that would indicate corrective action should be taken.
3. Modifying or eliminating pest habitats to deter pest populations and minimize pest infestations.
4. Considering a full range of possible alternative cost-effective treatments. Such alternative treatments may include taking no action or controlling the pest by physical, horticultural, or biological methods. Cost or staffing considerations alone will not be adequate justification for the use of chemical control agents.
5. Selecting nonchemical pest management methods over chemical methods whenever such methods are effective in providing the desired control or, when it is determined that chemical methods must be used, giving preference to those chemicals that pose the least hazardous effects to people and the environment.
No pesticide that is prohibited by DPR or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as listed on the DPR web site, shall be used at a school site. (Education Code 17610.1)
6. Limiting pesticide purchases to amounts needed for the year. Pesticides shall be stored at a secure location that is not accessible to students and unauthorized staff. They shall be stored and disposed of in accordance with state regulations and product label directions.
(cf. 3514 - Environmental Safety)
(cf. 3514.1 - Hazardous Substances)
7. Informing parents/guardians and employees regarding pesticide use as described in the sections "Notifications" and "Warning Signs" below.
8. Ensuring that persons applying pesticides follow label precautions and are sufficiently trained in the principles and practices of IPM as described in the section "Training" below.
9. Evaluating the effectiveness of treatments to determine if revisions to the IPM plan are needed.
The IPM coordinator and any employee or contractor who may be designated to apply a pesticide at a school site shall annually complete a DPR-approved training course on IPM and the safe use of pesticides in relation to the unique nature of school sites and children's health. (Education Code 17614; Food and Agricultural Code 13186.5)
(cf. 4231 - Staff Development)
Any district employee who handles pesticides shall also receive pesticide-specific safety training prior to applying pesticides and annually thereafter in accordance with 3 CCR 6724.
Staff and parents/guardians of students enrolled at a school site shall be annually notified, in writing, regarding pesticide products expected to be applied at the school site in the upcoming year. The notification shall include at least the following: (Education Code 17612)
1. The name of each pesticide product expected to be applied in the upcoming year and the active ingredient(s) in it
2. The Internet address ( used to access information on pesticides and pesticide use reduction developed by the DPR pursuant to Food and Agricultural Code 13184
3. If the school has posted its IPM plan, the Internet address where the plan may be found
4. The opportunity to view a copy of the IPM plan in the school office
5. An opportunity for interested persons to register to receive prior notification of each application of a pesticide at the school site
6. Other information deemed necessary by the IPM coordinator
(cf. 1312.4 - Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures)
(cf. 3517 - Facilities Inspection)
(cf. 4112.9/4212.9/4312.9 - Employee Notifications)
(cf. 5145.6 - Parental Notifications)
Whenever a person registers to receive notice of individual pesticide application pursuant to item #5 above, the IPM coordinator shall notify such registered persons of individual pesticide applications at least 72 hours prior to the application. The notice shall include the product name, the active ingredient(s) in the product, and the intended date of application. (Education Code 17612)
If a pesticide product not included in the annual notification is subsequently intended for use at a school site, the IPM coordinator shall provide written notification of its intended use to staff and parents/guardians of students enrolled at the school, at least 72 hours prior to the application. (Education Code 17612)
If a school chooses to use a pesticide not exempted pursuant to Education Code 17610.5, it shall post the school or district IPM plan on the school's web site or, if the school does not have a web site, then on the district web site. If neither the school nor district has a web site, then the IPM plan shall be included with the annual notification sent to staff and parents/guardians pursuant to Education Code 17612 as described above. When not required, the IPM coordinator may post or distribute the IPM plan at his/her discretion. (Education Code 17611.5)
Whenever the IPM coordinator deems that the immediate use of a pesticide is necessary to protect the health and safety of students, staff, or other persons at the school site, he/she shall make every effort to provide the required notifications prior to the application of the pesticide. (Education Code 17612)
Warning Signs
The IPM coordinator shall post a warning sign at each area of the school site where pesticides will be applied that shall be visible to all persons entering the treated area. The sign shall be posted at least 24 hours prior to the application and shall remain posted until 72 hours after the application. The warning sign shall prominently display the following information: (Education Code 17612)
1. The term "Warning/Pesticide Treated Area"
2. The product name, manufacturer's name, and the EPA's product registration number
3. Intended areas and dates of application
4. Reason for the pesticide application
When advance posting is not possible due to an emergency condition requiring immediate use of a pesticide to protect the health and safety of students, staff, or other persons or the school site, the warning sign shall be posted immediately upon application and shall remain posted until 72 hours after the application. (Education Code 17609, 17612)
At the end of each calendar year, the IPM coordinator shall submit to DPR, on a form provided by DPR, a copy of the records of all pesticide use at the school site for that year, excluding any pesticides exempted by law and any pesticide use reported by the pest control operator pursuant to Food and Agricultural Code 13186. The IPM coordinator may submit more frequent reports at his/her discretion. (Education Code 17611)
Each school site shall maintain records of all pesticide use at the school for four years, and shall make the information available to the public, upon request, in accordance with the California Public Records Act. A school may meet this requirement by retaining a copy of the warning sign posted for each pesticide application with a recording on that copy of the amount of the pesticide used. (Education Code 17611)
(cf. 1340 - Access to District Records)
(cf. 3580 - District Records)
Pesticide Use near School Site
Upon receiving notification pursuant to 3 CCR 6692 that a grower expects to use agricultural pesticides within one-quarter mile of a school site Monday through Friday from 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., the principal or designee shall notify the Superintendent or designee, IPM coordinator, staff at the school site, and parents/guardians of students enrolled at the school.
The principal or designee may communicate with any grower within one-quarter mile of the school to request that the grower not apply pesticides during evenings or weekends when school activities are scheduled.
Legal Reference:
17366 Legislative intent (fitness of buildings for occupancy)
17608-17614 Healthy Schools Act of 2000
48980 Notice at beginning of term
48980.3 Notification of pesticides
8593.2 Licensed pest control operators; training requirements
11401-12408 Pest control operations and agricultural chemicals
13180-13188 Healthy Schools Act of 2000
3543.2 Scope of representation; right to negotiate safety conditions
6250-6270 California Public Records Act
6147 Pesticides exempted from registration requirements
6690-6692 Pesticide use near school sites
6724 Training of employees handling pesticides
340-340.2 Employer's obligation to provide safety information
136-136y Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodentcide Act
Management Resources:
California School IPM Model Program Guidebook
Healthy Schools Act Requirements for Public K-12 Schools
School District Integrated Pest Management Plan Template
Pest Control in the School Environment: Implementing Integrated Pest Management (IPM), May 2017
California Department of Education:
California Department of Pesticide Regulation, School IPM:
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Integrated Pest Management at Schools:
approved: November 2, 2011 Hanford, California
revised: October 28, 2015
revised: March 27, 2019