HESD Mission
Everything we do must be for the express purpose of improving teaching and learning, therefore: “Our mission is to provide an educational environment which reinforces basic cultural values, ethical behavior, including respect for others, personal integrity, responsibility and accountability. We will work together to provide students with a safe environment in which they can discover their potential and strengthen their motivation for living and learning. As tomorrow’s leaders, students will be prepared to participate and function effectively in society.”
Notice of Destruction of Records
Pursuant to sections 300.624 and 303.416 of Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Hanford Elementary School District hereby provides notification of the intent to destroy special education student records. Every June, Hanford Elementary destroys special education records that are no longer useful to the district. These special education records are educational records of students who have promoted from the District, exited from special education, or not attended school in the District five (5) years prior to the date of destruction.
Prior to this destruction, you may want to request a copy of your educational records, or as a conservator, the educational records of a conserved person, for future employment, education, insurance, or public benefits purposes. A written request for a copy of special education records can be made at the Office of Special Services which is located at 714 N. White Street in Hanford, CA 93230 before June. You can direct your questions to the Office of Special Services at (559) 585-3617.
Guide to Mental Wellness
HESD offers a wide range of educational, health, mental, and social-emotional supports to ensure
all students can access educational resources. At each school, school professionals work together
to support students and their families.
The California Energy Commission's School Bus Replacement Program awarded $1.95 million to Hanford Elementary School District to replace 5 diesel school buses with ELECTRIC BUSES. The program is helping schools throughout the state transition from old, polluting diesel school buses to zero- or low-emissions vehicles, improving children's health by limiting their exposure to transportation-related air pollution and building the green economy.
HESD is proud of our new ELECTRIC BUSES and is the only school district in Kings County with electric buses on the road. Hanford citizens will be able to easily identify our new electric buses due to their green bumpers and rims.
Thank you, California Energy Commission!
@California Energy Commission
Annual Title 1 Meeting
Each year, our schools convenes an annual meeting, at a convenient time, to which all parents of participating children are invited and encouraged to attend. The purpose of this meeting is to inform parents and family members of their school’s participation in the Title I, Part A program and to explain the requirements and the right of the parents to be involved. Dates and times will be posted at each school.
Distance Instruction for Band!
Parents & students you can access these resources on the HESD website & by clicking on the students tab at the top. The attached screencast video will walk you through the process:
Many thanks to:
Corinne Johnson, Jefferson student, showing distance band learning in action. Corinne is taking a band assessment on Flipgrid to submit for feedback.
Our awesome HESD Band Educators for putting together these resources for our students to keep the music alive!
Hanford tops in the country for teachers
The analysts at AdvisorSmith ranked 380 U.S. cities to determine the most attractive cities for teachers to pursue their careers in, based on data including total number of jobs, number of jobs per capita, average annual salaries, and cost of living. They reveal the top 50 cities for teachers in the newly published study, and Hanford comes in at the very top!
View the full article at AdvisorSmith for all the information.
Substitute Teachers
Are you interested in becoming a substitute teacher in the Hanford Elementary School District?
Substitute teachers are needed on a daily basis. Daily substitute pay is $150 per day.
If interested, please contact:
Michelle Shannon, Credentials Analyst
Kings County Office of Education
1144 W. Lacey Blvd.
Hanford, CA 93230
Requirements for becoming a substitute teacher:
Option 1: Passed CBEST/ACT/SAT and Bachelor’s or higher Degree from an accredited university;
Option 2: 90 units of course work on your CA University transcript; passed CBEST/ACT/SAT and currently enrolled in an accredited 4-year CA University.
School Bus Driver Shortage
The Hanford Elementary School District along with the Central Valley are experiencing a shortage of qualified bus drivers. In anticipation of a possible driver shortage, preparations are being made in order to ensure our student bus riders are transported safely. If Hanford Elementary experiences a shortage of bus drivers, bus routes will run 15 – 30 minutes off schedule. Parents will be notified of route updates and/or changes in route times.
We greatly appreciate your patience and support.
Thank you!
El Distrito Escolar Elemental de Hanford junto con el Valle Central están experimentando un escases de conductores de autobuses calificados. En anticipación de una posible escasez de conductores, se están haciendo preparativos para garantizar que nuestros pasajeros de autobús sean transportados de manera segura. Si el Distrito Elemental de Hanford experimenta un escases de conductores de autobuses, las rutas de los autobuses correrán de 15 a 30 minutos fuera del horario. Los padres serán notificados de las actualizaciones de ruta y/o cambios en los tiempos de ruta.
Apreciamos mucho su paciencia y apoyo.