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Local Control Accountability Plan

The LCAP is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities. The LCAP provides an opportunity for local educational agencies (LEAs) to share their stories of how, what, and why programs and services are selected to meet their local needs.

The Hanford Elementary School District has developed the LCAP with its stakeholder groups, including the Parent Advisory Committee and District English Learner Advisory Committee.

Members of the public have the opportunity to submit written comments regarding the specific actions and expenditures proposed to be included in the LCAP.  Please use the following link to submit written comments on the district's LCAP:


Parent Advisory Committee

The district has established a Parent Advisory Committee (PAC).  The PAC will meet four times during the school year.  All parents and community members are invited to attend the PAC meetings.  The  superintendent, director of categorical programs, and/or director of curriculum will host these meetings.  The purpose of the PAC is to engage parents in the LCAP planning process, to elicit their input into the district’s LCAP, and to provide them with the opportunity to voice priorities for their students. Spanish translation will be available at each of the meetings. Information regarding the state priorities, the purposes of the funding including the supplemental and concentration funds, along with drafts of the LCAP will be presented to parents.  More information can be found here at this link.


District English Learner Advisory Committee

The District English Learner Advisory Committee (DELAC) is made up of parents or guardians of students who are English learners and school district personnel.  One DELAC parent representative is elected by each school site.

The DELAC advises the district and the local governing board on:

  • Programs and services for English learners.
  • The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
  • The development or revision of a district’s  plan of education programs and services for English learners, taking into consideration the Single School Plan for Student Achievement.
  • Conducting a district-wide needs assessment on a school-by-school basis.
  • Establishment of district programs, goals, and objectives for programs and services for English learners
  • Development of a plan to ensure compliance with any applicable teacher and instructional aide requirements.
  • Administration of the annual language census
  • The district's reclassification procedures.
  • The written notifications required to be sent to parents and guardians.
More information can be found here at this link.