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Special Education


The Special Education Department is dedicated to ensuring equitable access and success for students with disabilities.  Services and supports are based on each individual student’s need and eligibility as outlined by Federal and State Law.

The district is committed to ensuring that a continuum of services is provided that meet the unique needs of individual students.  Special Education services are provided for eligible students beginning at age 3 and continuing until the student's 22nd birthday.

These services are provided based on the individual needs of the student. After a team, comprised of educational professionals and the parent(s), determines a students' unique needs and consider a variety of factors, an Individual Education Program (IEP) is created.  An IEP is a legal document that describes how the Hanford Elementary School District provides services to a student with exceptional needs. Special Ed support and services are provided under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) .

Destruction of Records

Pursuant to sections 300.624 and 303.416 of Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Hanford Elementary School District hereby provides notification of the intent to destroy special education student records.  Every June, Hanford Elementary destroys special education records that are no longer useful to the district.  These special education records are educational records of students who have promoted from the District, exited from special education, or not attended school in the District five (5) years prior to the date of destruction.

Prior to this destruction, you may want to request a copy of your educational records, or as a conservator, the educational records of a conserved person, for future employment, education, insurance, or public benefits purposes. A written request for a copy of special education records can be made at the Office of Special Services which is located at 714 N. White Street in Hanford, CA 93230 before June.  You can direct your questions to the Office of Special Services at  (559) 585-3617.  


Local Plan

The Kings County SELPA Local Plan consists of federal and state policies that align with federal and state requirements.  Below is a copy of the current SELPA Local Plan reviewed and approved by the Kings County SELPA Advisory and Governance Council.  A copy of the SELPA Local Plan is submitted to the State Superintendent by the Kings County Office of Education on behalf of each district that participates in the Kings County SELPA, as per Education Code 56195.1(c).